Trust Ekta Kapoor to come up with innovative ideas of film promotions. The talented producer has done it again, this time for her upcoming film The Dirty Picture. For the Vidya Balan, Emraan Hashmi, Naseeruddin Shah and Tusshar Kapoor starrer, the producer has decided to target small towns for their promotions. During the tours of Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Lucknow and other places, Vidya will wear a locally made sari at the events organised for the film's promotions. Apart from this, the most famous local tailor will also get a chance to stitch a matching blouse for Vidya. The campaign is planned to encompass the B and C centres of India.
Local tailors to stitch blouse for Vidya Balan video
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Local tailors to stitch blouse for Vidya Balan -
SHARE AND DISCUSSTweetVidya BalanMore Pics Vidya Balan will purchase a sari from local shops in small cities and a local tailor will get a chance to stitch a matching
Local tailors to stitch blouse for Vidya Balan - The Times of India
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Vidya Balan gets “local” with small-town tailors
Trust Balaji to push the envelope on marketing on every one of its films. For The Dirty Picture, Balaji has come up with a dedicated promotion plan for B and C centres, given ...
Vidya Balan’s blouse to be stitched by local tailor
India Bells is one of the best News sharing websites in India, which provides Business News, Sports News, Breaking News, Entertainment News for the Indians.
Vidya Balan gets "local" with small-town tailors | Scoops ...
Vidya Balan gets local with small-town tailors
Vidya Balan’s saris to market film, Vidya will wear a sari ...
Vidya Balan’s saris to market film, Vidya will wear a sari purchased from each local shop, each city will get a chance to stitch a matching saree and blouse for the actor
Vidya Balan gets 'local' with small-town tailors
Trust Balaji to push the envelope on marketing on every one of its films.
Competition to stitch blouse for Vidya Balan - YouTube
Vidya Balan will purchase a sari from local shops in small cities and a local tailor will get a chance to stitch a matching blouse for her.Ekta also announed...
Vidya Balan gets local with small-town tailors : Titbits
For The Dirty Picture, Balaji has come up with a dedicated promotion plan for B and C centres given the film's huge mass appeal...
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